What Is Addiction?

drug alcohol addiction

Addiction is a complex disease (Center On Addiction, 2017) and can be Physical or Psychological. It describes compulsive substance abuse or pleasure-seeking behaviour, which individuals struggle to control despite the real harm it causes. Today, addiction is recognised as a medical problem (Australian Medical Association, 2017) rather than a moral issue — no matter what form it takes, Addiction is never a choice.

Addicts and their Families often feel ashamed, isolated and helpless. Essentially this disease traps people in painful patterns which tend to get worse over time. This can lead to increased risk of bankruptcy, criminal charges, injury or death. The impacts of Addiction cannot be overstated, and many Addicts and their loved ones suffer for long periods without support.

Types of addiction may include: 

  • Alcoholism – an inability to regulate drinking, using alcohol to excess
  • Drugs – chronic use/dependence of prescription medications or illicit substances
  • Gambling – compulsive betting on sports or races, poker machines, scratch cards, lottery tickets or online gambling platforms
  • Sex and Pornography – harmful overuse of pornography, compulsive high-risk sexual behaviour
  • Food – binge eating, inability to regulate appetite or diet habits
  • Technology – harmful overuse of Internet, gaming and social media
  • Shopping – reckless and compulsive spending and/or collecting items

Sufferers may get obsessive thoughts about their addictive activity, and feel sensitive to triggers (e.g. alcoholics may find it difficult to be in places where alcohol is served, or seeing things on TV which remind them of drinking). Whatever the type of Addiction, trying to stop or control it can lead to withdrawal symptoms and feeling irritable or unstable. In order to cope with this an Addict will return again and again to their drug or activity, just to feel some relief.

This struggle has a familiar name: The Vicious Cycle. Addicts feel the most vicious part of their disease through health problems, destruction to their jobs and relationships. Sometimes a person may not realise the seriousness of their Addiction until these parts of their life start to fall apart.


Addiction doesn’t just hurt Addicts – their loved ones also suffer

Treatment & Recovery:

Drug, Alcohol and Behavioural Addictions affect people from all walks of life. But the growth in support programs means seeking help is now easier than it ever has been.

Effective treatment calls for a specialised approach because every Addict is unique. Recovery pathways include short- or long-term Rehabilitation clinics and Detoxification centres, Medication, Psychotherapy, Support groups, Sober living environments, Lifestyle coaching, or Holistic & Alternative therapies.

We look forward to a more hopeful future, where all Addicts can access the help they need easily and without judgement. The time to end the cycle of shame and despair is now.

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