Mental Health

Mental Health and Exercise: Progress not Perfection

The evidence that exercise improves mental health isn’t just strong –it’s staggering (The Exercise Effect, APA, 2011). There’s no question among scientists and mental health experts. Physical activity of any sort benefits both our bodies and our emotions. But when looking at the psychology of fitness (most importantly, how our minds can limit our body’s […]

How to stay connected while in isolation

In these unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 viral pandemic, day to day life is being affected at drastic levels not seen before in recent history.  Our Government and Health Professionals are taking extraordinary measures to ensure our safety – including the now popular action of social distancing.  Although it seems these arrangements are all […]

Internet & Gaming Addiction: Disorders of the Digital Age

Internet and gaming addiction has gained recognition as a public health issue. In 2018 the World Health Organisation described Gaming Disorder as “impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities… and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.” (WHO, September 2018)   Gaming Addiction (yes, it’s a […]


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